Pine Ridge Chorus
The Syd Pyper Cup Winners 1984/85 Ontario District Chorus Plateau 2 Winner
Fourth Row: Left to right
Archie Clarke; Wilf Day; Otto Buttenweg; Bob Eakins; Ernie Everingham; Ralph Johnstone:
Third Row:
Charlie Wallace; Fred Ridge; Norm Bosnell ?; Bob Briden; Roy Hammond; David Buttars; Brian Wittaveen; Scott Eakins
Second Row:
Ted Trumper; Clary Page; Gord Glenn; Harry Laidlaw; Bill Glenn; Bill Bonner
Front Row:
Peter Marani; Bob Climo; Ron Sirtonski; Phil Mabey; John Hubicki; Howard Cory (President); Mac Dallman (Director)
Pine Ridge Chorus 1991 District Competition
Back row, left to right:
Ted Trumper, Bob Eakins, Lynn Brown, John Brinkman, Lorne Cordoza, Peter Marani, Mike DeJong, Alan Cole
Third row:
Archie Clarke, Peter Chrisomalis, Don Tefft, Earl Peck, Scott Eakins
Second row:
Fred Mooij, Roy Hammond, Norm Bosnell, Ralph Johnstone, Ross Symons, Ed Symons, John Jagt
Front row:
Dave Buttars, Phil Mabey, Craig Dallman, Mac Dallman (Director), John Coutts, Cec Henry, Bob Climo